ShrFlgs Usage

shrflgs /?

ShrFlgs V01.00.01cpp Joe Richards ( February 2005

 ShrFlgs \\server\share [switches]

  server         Server to work with.
  share          Share name to work on. If '.' is specified, ShrFlgs
                 will enumerate all shares and display or update them.

  Switches: (designated by - or /)
   -forreal               Really make changes.
   -noadmin               Don't display admin shares.
   -abe (true|false)      Set/clear access-based enumeration.
   -afd (true|false)      Set/clear allowed forced delete.
   -nscache (true|false)  Set/clear Namespace caching.
   -exclopen (true|false) Set/clear allow exclusive open.
   -csc xxx               Set client side caching mode.
      Valid values for xxx:
        none   - No offline caching
        auto   - All files opened by user will be cached.
        manual - User selected files will be cached.
        vdo    - All files opened by user will be cached, optimized.

  Note: Access-based enumeration requires at least Windows 2003 SP1.
        You will not get an error on earlier OS'es if you try to set
         ABE, it simply will not be set.

    shrflags \\server\sh1
      Display current settings for share sh1 on server
    shrflags \\server\.
      Display current settings for all shares on server
    shrflags \\server\sh1 /abe true /forreal
      Set access-based enumeration on share sh1 on server
    shrflags \\server\. /abe true /forreal
      Set access-based enumeration on all disk shares on server
    shrflags \\server\sh1 /abe false /forreal
      Set legacy enumeration on share sh1 on server

 This software is Freeware. Use it as you wish at your own risk.
 I do not warrant this software to be fit for any purpose or use and
 I do not guarantee that it will not damage or destroy your system.

 If you have improvement ideas, bugs, or just wish to say Hi, I
 receive email 24x7 and read it in a semi-regular timeframe.
 You can usually find me at