Command line tool to scan a subnet looking for Windows PCs.
See warranty.
Current Version
Version 1.02.0 - November 15, 2002
Modification(s) from previous version
Security Requirements
C++. Compiled with Borland Builder 6.0
Source Code Availability
This program scans an ip address or an ip range and looks for machines publishing NetBIOS names. It is a junior version of a overall Windows Scanner program I am working on that will enumerate all machines on a range with the ID's, groups, sessions, policies, etc. Several folks I know through work and through this website have asked for this stripped down version and for it to have CSV style output.
It will tell you when it finds domain controllers and what type of domain controllers.
You do not have to supply the email address. I would like you to fill that in though so that I have an idea on how popular a tool really is. If I see 1000 downloads with 900 different email addresses I know it is more widespread than one that has 1000 downloads and 200 different email addresses because the same person needed to keep downloading it for some reason.
Version History
As seen in
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