ATSN V01.00.00cpp Joe Richards ( March 2004 Usage: ATSN [switches] ip [ip ip ip ip] Switches: (designated by - or /) -h host Host to use. (Default is to autofind DC) -if file File to read IPs from -of file File to write sitename/subnet info to Ex1: atsn Display this help Ex2a: atsn Output sitename and subnet name info for Ex2b: atsn /h 2k3dc01 Ditto but use DC 2k3dc01 to do site/subnet resolution Ex2c: atsn /of outfile.txt Ditto but output to outfile.txt Ex3: atsn Output site/subnet name for several ips. Ex4: atsn /if ipaddresses.txt Read ipaddresses.txt for IPs to resolve General Note: It should be obvious but the output format is... IPADDRESS ; SITE NAME ; SUBNET NAME Assuming a valid IP address, there should always be a site name but subnet name will only be filled if there is a specific subnet that the IP address maps to. So if you have a subnet that doesn't map to any specific subnet, it will still be considered part of some site. This software is Freeware. Use it as you wish at your own risk. If you have improvement ideas, bugs, or just wish to say Hi, I receive email 24x7 and read it in a semi-regular timeframe. You can usually find me at