AdMod V01.28.00cpp Joe Richards ( October 2023 -help Basic help. -? Basic help. -?? Advanced help. -???? Shortcut help. -sc? Shortcut help. -csv? CSV / ADCSV help. -sd? Security Descriptor help. Usage: AdMod [switches] [attr-action] Switches: (designated by - or /) [CONNECTION OPTIONS] -h host:port Host and port to use. If not specified uses port 389 on default LDAP server. Localhost can be specified as '.'. Port can also be specified via -p. IPv6 IP address w/ port is specified [address]:port [UPDATE OPTIONS] -b basedn RFC 2253 DN to work on. If basedn is not specified the program will read from stdin anything piped to it or if you want you can type the DNs there followed by a ctrl-z to terminate the pipe. -safety x How many objects before safety kicks in. Default 10. -cm Clear Membership. This switch is required to perform in order to clear the membership of a group. -updatenchead Allow a change to the NC Domain Head object (top object in a domain) [ACTIONS] -rm Delete specified object(s). -del Alias for -rm. -add Add an object. Specify DN with -b and attributes normally. At the very least you will need to specify objectclass. -undel x Undelete specified object(s), uses lastknownparent unless an alternate parent is supplied in x. Requires K3+. -undel y;x Undelete specified object(s), uses previous RDN and lastknownparent unless an alternate parent is supplied in x and name in y. Requires K3+. -rename x Rename object to RDN of x. -move x Move object to parent specified by x (within domain). -move y;x Move object to parent specified by x (within domain) and rename to y. -rbmove x Alias for -move x + -rnpb domaindn. -rbmove y;x Alias for -move y;x + -rnpb domaindn. Attr-Action Format: attribute : operation : value(s) This field is broken up into three main sections. Not all sections are required for all operations. The three sections are the attribute section, operation section, and value section. By default the delimiter between the sections is the : character however you may change this with the -delim option. Type AdMod /?? for details. Notes: o This tool could be considered dangerous, it can quickly make some serious changes to your directory. Use it only when you know what you are doing. I take no responsibility for you dorking up your directory. The safety option will bail the whole operation if there are more objects to work on than specified with the -safety option. o This tool was written with simple US ASCII in mind. UNICODE and special ASCII characters such as characters with umlaut's or graphics may not be processed correctly due to how the command prompt handles those characters. If you see this occurring, redirect the input from a text file with the command prompt redirection symbols and it is possible the program will operate correctly. If not, you do not need to tell me, I know and I am working to correct it in some future version... no timeline. Type AdMod /?? for more notes. Ex1: admod -b dc=test,dc=net "description::Joe's Domain" Change Description of object. Ex2: admod -b cn=joe,cn=users,dc=test,dc=net "drink:++:Coke;Mountain Dew;Labatt's;Water" Add some drinks to joe's user object in the directory Ex3: admod -b cn=joe,cn=users,dc=test,dc=net "drink:-:Water" Removes water from the drink list for joe... Ex4: admod -b cn=joe,cn=users,dc=test,dc=net "drink:+:Vodka" Adds vodka to the drink list for joe... Ex5: admod -b cn=joe,cn=users,dc=test,dc=net "drink::Water" Replaces the entire list with just water for joe... Ex6: admod -b cn=joe,cn=users,dc=test,dc=net "drink:+-:Water;Lemonade" Replaces the entire list with water and lemonade for joe... Ex7: admod -b cn=someuser,cn=users,dc=test,dc=net -add objectclass::user samaccountname::someuser Create disabled user someuser. Ex8: admod -b cn=someuser,cn=users,dc=test,dc=net -move ou=u,dc=test,dc=com Move user someuser to ou=u. Ex9: admod -b cn=someuser,cn=users,dc=test,dc=net -rm Delete someuser. Ex10: admod -users -rb cn=someuser unicodepwd::newpassword -optenc Administrative password reset for user named someuser. Ex11: admod -users -rb cn=someuser unicodepwd:-:oldpassword unicodepwd::newpassword -optenc Change password for user named someuser. This software is Freeware. Use at your own risk. I do not warrant this software to be fit for any purpose or use and I do not guarantee that it will not damage or destroy your system. Contact via email for licensing information to package this utility in commercial products. See full Warranty documentation or download the latest version on If you have improvement ideas, bugs, or just wish to say Hi, I receive email 24x7 and read it in a semi-regular timeframe. You can usually find me at
AdMod V01.28.00cpp Joe Richards ( October 2023 -help Basic help. -? Basic help. -?? Advanced help. -???? Shortcut help. -sc? Shortcut help. -csv? CSV / ADCSV help. -sd? Security Descriptor help. Usage: AdMod [switches] [attr-action] Switches: (designated by - or /) [CONNECTION OPTIONS] -h host:port Host and port to use. If not specified uses port 389 on default LDAP server. Localhost can be specified as '.'. Port can also be specified via -p. IPv6 IP address w/ port is specified [address]:port -p port Alternate method to specify port to connect to. -hh host:port Combines -h with -arecex -hd host:port Combines -h with -default --------------Advanced-------------- -kerbenc Kerberos Encryption (LDAP_OPT_ENCRYPT). -optenc Alias for -kerbenc (LDAP_OPT_ENCRYPT). -ssl Use SSL. -starttls Use StartTLS -sslignoresrvcert Ignore any problems with the SSL server cert. -delegation Delegated bind (ISC_REQ_DELEGATE). -arecex Hostname has the actual host name, not domain name. -url xx Specify LDAP(S) URL - LDAP://host:port/basedn... See [UPDATE OPTIONS] -b basedn RFC 2253 DN to work on. If basedn is not specified the program will read from stdin anything piped to it or if you want you can type the DNs there followed by a ctrl-z to terminate the pipe. -safety x Only modify objects if <= x. Default 10. -cm Clear Membership. This switch is required to perform in order to clear the membership of a group. -updatenchead Allow a change to the NC Domain Head object (top object in a domain) --------------Advanced-------------- -null Use null base for base DN. -rootdse Like -null. -root Determine and use root partition for base DN. -config Determine and use configuration partition for base DN. -schema Determine and use schema partition for base DN. -default Determine and use default partition for base DN. -rb xx Relative Base, use with special base DN's above. So you could specify -default and -rb cn=users. -rnpb xx New Parent Base, Used for move, undelete, rename. Possible Values: domainnc - The domain portion of the object DN Can also be used as part of a DN -rnpb OU=SomeOU,OU=OU2,domainnc domaindn - Alias for domainnc defaultnc- Alias for domainnc users - Users container of domain of object DN fgpp - FGPP container of domain of object DN msa - MSA container of domain of object DN -users Use cn=users,<default domain> for base. -forestdns Use ForestDNS NDNC for base. -domaindns Use DomainDNS NDNC for base. -dcs Use Domain Controllers container of default domain for base. -gpo Use System Policies container of default domain for base. -psocontainer Use PSO Container of default domain for base. -quotas Use NTDS Quotas container of default domain for base. -ldappolicy Use Ldap Query Policies container for base. -xrights Use Extended Rights container for base. -partitions Use Partitions container for base. -sites Use Sites container for base. -subnets Use Subnets container for base. -exch Use Exchange Services container for base. -fsps Use Foreign Security Principals container for base. -sitelinks Use Site Links Container for base. -legacydns Use Legacy DNS Container for base. -displayspecifiers User Display Specifiers container in config for base. -ds Use Directory Service container in config for base. -svcs Use Services container in config for base. -msa Use Managed Service Accounts Container for base. -roles Use Roles relative base (for ADLDS). -delobjs Use Deleted Objects relative base from whatever base defined plus -showdel. -do Alias for -delobjs. -delobjs+ Use Deleted Objects relative base from whatever base defined plus -showdel+. -do+ Alias for -delobjs+. -system Use System container of specified Domain NC or the default NC for base. -fgpp Use Password Settings Object Container for base. -t xxx Timeout value for query, default 120 seconds. -unsafe Don't have a safety, modify objects no matter how many. -upto xx Modify up to xx objects and then stop. -cont Continue with objects even if errors. -treedelete Used in combination with -rm/-del to delete branch -treenuke Used in combination with -rm/-del to delete everything in a branch. Like -treedelete but works for >16k objects. -recycle Allow forced recycle of deleted objects. -showdel Enable the show deleted objects control. -showdel+ Enable the show deleted objects and recycled objects controls. -showrecycled Enable the recycled objects controls. -permissive Permissive modify. (LDAP_SERVER_PERMISSIVE_MODIFY_OID) -policyhints Enable LDAP_SERVER_POLICY_HINTS_OID. (KB2443871) -nr Do not follow referrals - client side. -hackon Special update mode (schUIP). [ACTION OPTIONS] -rm Delete specified object(s) -del Alias for -rm. -add Add an object. Specify DN with -b and attributes normally. At the very least you will need to specify objectclass. -undel x Undelete specified object(s), uses lastknownparent unless an alternate parent is supplied in x. Requires K3+. Can add additional attribute values with :+: or :++: ops. -rename x Rename object to RDN of x. Can use variable expansion if using ADCSV such as {{samaccountname}} -move x Move object to parent specified by x (within domain). -move y;x Move object to parent specified by x (within domain) and rename to y. -rbmove x Alias for -move x + -rnpb domaindn. -rbmove y;x Alias for -move y;x + -rnpb domaindn. -bmod x Dynamic expansion style Base Modification for UNDEL/MOVE for the base DN. This brings the CSV Variable Expansion of the DN to single objects. -stdinadd x Take list of quoted DNs and add to specified attribute x. -stdinrm x Take list of quoted DNs and remove from specified attribute x. -stdinreplace x Take list of quoted DNs and replace values of specified attribute x. NOTE: The stdinxx switches also allow for SIDs or GUIDs to be specified for input. -stdinsort x Sorts DN's that have been piped in in multi-DN mode, the default sort is hierarchical, but can specify case-sensitive alphabetic sort with csalpha or case-insensitive with cialpha -stdinsortreverse Sorts DN's that have been piped in in multi-DN mode in reverse hierarchical order for deletes. -getsecin AdMod requests that you type attribute vaue for any attribute where you specify {*} as the value. It will ask by attribute name. Think of using with 'secret' values you don't want on the command line like pwd. --------------Advanced-------------- -delim x x specifies delimiter for attribute sequence. Default : -mvdelim x x specified delimiter for value sequence. Default ; -xdom x Cross domain move, move to DC x. Use with -move. Must specify FQDN of destination DC as parameter of -xdom. The cross domain move has specified requirements which are the same for all mechanisms used. To see the requirements please look up IADsContainer::MoveHere in MSDN Library. [OUTPUT OPTIONS] -elapsed Display elapsed time in seconds -exterr Show Extended Error info. DSID Info... -appver Output AdMod versioning info. -progress Display Progress Bar for CSV operations in the title bar. -pause Pause before closing AdMod.exe executable. -extsrvinfo Give additional server info for bind string info. [AUTHENTICATION OPTIONS] --------------Advanced-------------- -u userID Userid authentication. AD simple bind supports All ID formats. Secure bind only supports ID formats 1 and 2. Digest Bind supports ID formats 1 and 3. No userid specified indicates anonymous authentication. ID Formats 1. domain\userid (SAM Format / NT Format) 2. (userPrincipalName) 3. cn=user,ou=someou,dc=domain,dc=com (DN) -up pwd Password for specified userid. * indicates to ask for password. Password can be clear text password or ENCPWD:xxx format as created by the adfind -encpwd switch -simple Simple Bind -digest Digest Bind (LDAP_AUTH_DIGEST). Automatically enabled if bind string starts with 'cn=' -ntlm NTLM Bind (LDAP_AUTH_NTLM). [MISC OPTIONS] --------------Advanced-------------- -po Print options. This switch will dump to the command line all all switches with values and attributes specified. -tmpobj xx For object adds, will create dynamic objects with lifetime of xx seconds. If no value specified, will have lifetime of 7 days. For dynamic object updates it will set new TTL value per parameter. -dynamic xx Alias for -tmpobj. -log xxx Log information to file xx. (default admod.log). -append Append to log versus overwrite log. -chgpwd:op:np CHANGE password with old password op to new password np. Alias is -changepwd:op:np. -setpwd:np SET password to new password np. -sdsimple Turn off some of the automatic SDDL handling when specifying an SDDL -sdverbatim Do not sort / reorder SDDL string that is complete and needs no transformation. -sdwhatif [BETA] Do not make Security Descriptor change, just output what should happen. -sd xx Grab current security descriptor and modify based on the string in xx. See /sd?. -sdni xx Like -sd but does not grab existing Security Descriptor. See /sd? -dsd xx Grab default security descriptor and modify based on the string in xx. See /sd?. -trim Trim working set, may possibly reduce RAM use when reading large CSVs. Automatically done when >= 20000 lines in CSV input. -replacedn xxx:yyy Replaces xxx in DNs with yyy. Following special cases: "" alias for _all _all replaces all of the following: _config <CONFIG> replaced with configuration DN _schema <SCHEMA> replaced with schema DN _default <DEFAULTNC> replaced with default NC DN _root <ROOT> replaced with root NC DN _sites <SITES> replaced with sites DN _subnets <SUBNETS> replaced with subnets DN _exch <EXCH> replaced with Exchange services DN _dcs <DCS> replaced with Domain Controllers DN _fsps <FSPS> replaced with ForeignSecurityPrincipal DN _msa <MSA> replaced with Managed Service Accounts DN _psc <PSA> replaced with Password Settings Container DN _gpo <GPO> replaced with Group Policy Container DN _services SERVICES> replaced with Services DN in Config NC -replacedndelim x Specifies delimiter to separate replacedn strings -verifgc xx [BETA] Specify GC dnshostname to use for object validation. -eignore Don't bail out if -e doesn't load any switches/params. -e xxx Load switches from environment. Will read env vars with prefix and dash (adfind-) by default and load them in. To specify a different prefix, specify string after -e. For example to specify the host switch create an env var of adfind-h. To specify a switch that doesn't take a a value, specify a value of {~} because you can't set a an environment variable to blank. Unfortunately it is not currently possible to specify Attr-Action combinations with the environment variables. By default, Admod will read any environment variables prefixed with (joeware-default-admod-) without specifying -e. Ex: Modify ADAM config NC on localhost port 5000. set adam1-h=.:5000 set adam1-config={~} set adam1-u=thispc\myid set adam1-up=ENCPWD:EhfEeD0ZVyV9O2AdWzoNyXzYrQwVJm9cN1 adfind -e adam1 description:: his is a test" NOTE: The Environment switch mentions AdFind for the default names for the environment variables, this is not a typo. You can override if you prefer, but the idea is to use the same vars for consistency between the two command line apps. -ef xxx Load switches from file (default file =, one switch per line. Attr-Action strings are placed on multiple lines Ex: Modify ADAM config NC on localhost port 5000. edit file -h .:5000 -config description::this is a test admod -ef By default AdMod will process the default configuration file '' without specifying -ef. ENVIRONMENT NOTES There are five levels for specifying switches, a lower level will not override a higher level. The levels from highest to lowest: 1. Command line switches 2. Environment variable specified via -e 3. Environment file specified via -ef 4. Default environment variables prefixed with joeware-default-admod- 5. Default environment file Attr-Action Format: attribute : operation : value(s) This field is broken up into three main sections. Not all sections are required for all operations. The three sections are the attribute section, operation section, and value section. By default the delimiter between the sections is the : character however you may change this with the -delim option. attribute This is the name of the attribute to be manipulated Any attribute that is a valid attribute for the ldap directory is a valid value here. ___BINARY ATTRIBUTES___ Some attributes do not accept text based values. The immediate examples are GUIDs and SIDs. Binary updates are a little different than normal string updates and require encoding. To specify this encoding, prefix the attribute with one of the following prefixes: GUID## Encodes friendly format GUIDs ex: {26C18F02-9B73-495B-9F53-8207FC72527D} ex: 26C18F02-9B73-495B-9F53-8207FC72527D SID## Encodes friendly format SIDs ex: S-1-5-21-1862701446-4008382571-2198042679 HEX## Encodes even number of Hex characters. White space is filtered out. ex: FFEA 34FD 76DA BIN## Alias for HEX##. ex: FFEA 34FD 76DA TXT## Encodes text into binary. Can embed hex characters by escaping hex character with slash such as \0a. Also several "standard" escape characters are supported \a, \b, \f, \n, \r, \t, \v ex: street address\ncity,state\nzipcode SD## Encodes SDDL into security descriptor ex: D:PAI(OA;;GA;;;BA) BASE64## Encodes data into BASE64 format. IMPORTFILE## Encodes a file into binary. ex: IMPORTFILE##jpegphoto::c:\temp\mypic.jpg DNWBIN## Encode DN with Binary. Format DNWBIN##attr;dn;value ex: DNWBIN##someattr:cn=someobject,dc=dom,dc=com:AE729FD2 DNWSTR## Encode DN with text string. Format DNWSTR##attr;dn;value ex: DNWSTR##someattr:cn=someobject,dc=dom,dc=com:TestString DNWTXT## Alias for DNWSTR You encode time values to int8 format with the following prefixes: UTC## Encodes UTC Time value. LOCAL## Encodes Local Time value. The formatting for UTC and LOCAL is: YYYY/MM/DD-HH:MM:SS (HH:MM:SS is optional) CURRENT## Encodes current timevalue. CURRENT requires a delta value to be specified in the value field of the attr-action string. Such as CURRENT##attrib::0 for no delta. Deltas can be specified in days, hours, minutes or seconds with a string appended to the integer value: d for days - ex: CURRENT##accountexpires::30d h for hours - ex: CURRENT##accountexpires::24h m for minutes - ex: CURRENT##accountexpires::300m s for seconds - ex: CURRENT##accountexpires::900s Specify -(value) to go back in time, ex: -30d You can also specify the delta as dd:hh:mm:ss DELTA## Encodes delta only value, no modification from current timevalue. Use the same formatting as CURRENT##. You encode time values to Generalized Time format with the following prefixes: UTCGT## Encodes UTC Time value. LOCALGT## Encodes Local Time value. The formatting for UTC and LOCAL is: YYYY/MM/DD-HH:MM:SS (HH:MM:SS is optional) CURRENTGT## Encodes current timevalue. CURRENTGT requires a delta value to be specified in the value field of the attr-action string. Such as CURRENTGT##attrib::0 for no delta. Deltas can be specified in days, hours, minutes or seconds with a string appended to the integer value: d for days - ex: CURRENTGT##accountexpires::30d h for hours - ex: CURRENTGT##accountexpires::24h m for minutes - ex: CURRENTGT##accountexpires::300m s for seconds - ex: CURRENTGT##accountexpires::900s Specify -(value) to go back in time, ex: -30d You can also specify the delta as dd:hh:mm:ss operation This is the operation to perform. Valid operations are: (blank) Update the attrib with the new value. + Add a value to an attribute. - Clear an attribute or value in an attribute. ++ Add multiple values to an attribute. +- Replace all values with multiple new values. -- Remove multiple values from an attribute. value(s) This specifies values to use. If you are doing a multivalue operation with ++, +-, or -- you will separate the values with ;, or alternatively you can specify a different MV delimiter with -mvdelim. __OPERATION NOTES__ o +,++,+-,-- operations all require values specified. o - operation doesn't require a value. No value clears all all values. Value specified clears one value. o Trying to add multiple values to a single value attribute will result in error. o Doing an update operation (blank op - ::) to a multivalue will wipe all values and replace with the one single value. Notes: o This tool could be considered dangerous, it can quickly make some serious changes to your directory. Use it only when you know what you are doing. I take no responsibility for you dorking up your directory. The safety option will bail the whole operation if there are more objects to work on than specified with the -safety option. o This tool was written with simple US ASCII in mind. UNICODE and special ASCII characters such as characters with umlaut's or graphics may not be processed correctly due to how the command prompt handles those characters. If you see this occurring, redirect the input from a text file with the command prompt redirection symbols and it is possible the program will operate correctly. If not, you do not need to tell me, I know and I am working to correct it in some future version... no timeline. o This tool is exceptionally powerful when used in conjunction with a command line LDAP query tool such as my own AdFind with the -dsq or -adcsv switches or dsquery from Microsoft. o If you get an error in an update operation, no modification is made to the specific object, even if say 3 changes were valid and one wasn't. If you are clearing attributes and you aren't sure if one of the is populated, use the -permissive switch. o When performing multi-DN modifications, the errorlevel will be set to the last error encountered. So if you go through 8 DNs and hit 3 errors, only the last will be passed back to you via %errorlevel%. Also note that the error will be an LDAP error, not a Win32 error. o Be very very careful of treedelete option. o The RPC based IADsUser.SetPassword method via #setpwd# has been removed. o The proper mechanism to set the password is to either set the unicodepwd attribute or the userpassword attribute and specify the -optenc switch to enable encrytion of the traffic to the server. ex: unicodepwd::newpassword Ex1: admod -b dc=test,dc=net "description::Joe's Domain" Change Description of object. Ex2: admod -b cn=joe,cn=users,dc=test,dc=net "drink:++:Coke;Mountain Dew;Labatt's;Water" Add some drinks to joe's user object in the directory Ex3: admod -b cn=joe,cn=users,dc=test,dc=net "drink:-:Water" Removes water from the drink list for joe... Ex4: admod -b cn=joe,cn=users,dc=test,dc=net "drink:+:Vodka" Adds vodka to the drink list for joe... Ex5: admod -b cn=joe,cn=users,dc=test,dc=net "drink::Water" Replaces the entire list with just water for joe... Ex6: admod -b cn=joe,cn=users,dc=test,dc=net "drink:+-:Water;Lemonade" Replaces the entire list with water and lemonade for joe... Ex7: admod -b cn=someuser,cn=users,dc=test,dc=net -add objectclass::user samaccountname::someuser Create disabled user someuser. Ex8: admod -b cn=someuser,cn=users,dc=test,dc=net -move ou=u,dc=test,dc=com Move user someuser to ou=u. Ex9: admod -b cn=someuser,cn=users,dc=test,dc=net -rm Delete someuser. Ex10: admod -users -rb cn=someuser unicodepwd::newpassword -optenc Administrative password reset for user named someuser. Ex11: admod -users -rb cn=someuser unicodepwd:-:oldpassword unicodepwd::newpassword -optenc Change password for user named someuser. --------------Advanced-------------- Ex12: admod -b cn=someuser,cn=users,dc=test,dc=net guid##guidattr::85C04D89-D68C-4785-B801-DBF980F97C5C Sets GUID value on some guid based attrib on someuser. Ex14: admod -b cn=someuser,cn=users,dc=test,dc=net "bin##binattr::3f 4567 0e 69" Sets binary blob on some binary based attrib on someuser. ------AdFind + AdMod Examples------- Ex15: adfind -default -f "&(objectcategory=person)(scriptpath=*)" -dsq | admod -unsafe scriptpath:- Removes logon script from all users in default domain. Ex16: adfind -gc -b -f "proxyaddresses=*" -dsq | admod -unsafe proxyaddresses:- Removes proxyaddresses attribute from all objects in forest. Ex17: adfind -b ou=badcomputers,dc=test,dc=net -f "objectcategory=computer" -dsq |admod -unsafe -rm Delete all computer objects in specified OU... Ex18: adfind -bit -default -f useraccountcontrol:AND:=2 -dsq |admod -unsafe -move ou=disabled,dc=test,dc=net Move all disabled objects in default domain to specified OU... Ex19: adfind -default -f "&(name=compa*)" -showdel -dsq |admod -undel Undelete any objects named compa* and place back in last known parent... Ex20: adfind -default -f "&(name=compa*)" -showdel -dsq |admod -undel ou=undeleted,dc=test,dc=net Undelete any objects named compa* and place back in ou named undeleted.... Ex21: adfind -bit -default -f "&(objectcategory=computer)(useraccountcontrol:AND:=32)" useraccountcontrol -adcsv | admod useraccountcontrol::{{.:CLR:32}} -upto 1000 Clear PWD_NOTREQD flag on up to 1000 computer accounts. Ex22: adfind -default -rb cn=users -f "objectclass=user" -dsq | admod -default -rb cn=theusers,cn=users -stdinadd member Add all users in the user's container to the theusers group. This software is Freeware. Use at your own risk. I do not warrant this software to be fit for any purpose or use and I do not guarantee that it will not damage or destroy your system. Contact via email for licensing information to package this utility in commercial products. See full Warranty documentation or download the latest version on If you have improvement ideas, bugs, or just wish to say Hi, I receive email 24x7 and read it in a semi-regular timeframe. You can usually find me at
AdMod V01.28.00cpp Joe Richards ( May 2021 -help Basic help. -? Basic help. -?? Advanced help. -???? Shortcut help. -sc? Shortcut help. -csv? CSV / ADCSV help. -sd? Security Descriptor help. Usage: AdMod [switches] [attr-action] Switches: (designated by - or /) AdMod Shortcuts =============== Shortcuts are not actual commands themselves but instead are aliases for a sequence of other commands so you do not have to recall or type the longer commands. Shortcuts actually a combination of various other switches. To see exactly what switches are specified on your behalf, use the -po switch in combination with the shortcut switch and it will show you everything that is submitted. Since these shortcuts are simply a combination of switches auto-entered for you it means that generally you can use the other switches to add to the query to focus it further or get output closer to what you need. If you have an issue with any of these shortcuts, remember you can just enter the proper combination of real switches yourself. In general the shortcuts will work on Windows 2000-2008 AD, and ADAM/ADLDS. Any limitations should be notated under the specific shortcut documentation. --------------Shortcuts-------------- -sc help Display Shortcut usage OPERATIONAL SHORTCUTS ********************** See for descriptions of operational attributes and usage/caveats. -sc refreshschema Schema cache refresh (schemaUpdateNow) -sc defrag:xx Initiate AD DIT Online Defrag. xx is the number of seconds to run the defrag. (doOnlineDefrag) -sc checkphantoms Check phantoms. Run on IM. (checkPhantoms) -sc fixlinks Fix links. Run on IM. (doLinkCleanup) -sc igcc Invalidate GC Connection. Run on IM. (invalidateGCConnection) -sc refreshugc Update Universal Group Cache. (updateCachedMemberships) -sc rsc Refresh Server Certificate. (renewServerCertificate) -sc xferschema Transfer schema role to this machine (becomeSchemaMaster). -sc xferdm Transfer Domain Master to this machine (becomeDomainMaster). -sc xferrid Transfer Rid Master to this machine (becomeRidMaster). -sc xferim Transfer Infrastructure Master to this machine (becomeInfrastructureMaster). -sc xferpdc:xxx Transfer PDC to this machine. xxx is domain SID (becomePdc). -sc ddb:xx Dump Database, xx specifies space delimited list of attributes (dumpDatabase). -sc ddblinks Dump Links from Database (dumpLinks). -sc ddbreferences xx Dump references from Database for the specified DN (dumpReferences). -sc dldapstate Dump LDAP State from Database (dumpLDAPState). -sc refreshrid:xxx Refresh RID pool. xxx is domain SID (invalidateRidPool). -sc fi Rebuild object container ancestry during SDPROP. (fixupInheritance). -sc rh Recalculate GAL/NSPI Hierarchy. (recalcHierarchy). -sc gc Start garbage collection (doGarbageCollection). -sc phantomgc Start phantom garbage collection (doGarbageCollectionPhantomsNow). -sc runpag Start adminSDHolder process (runProtectAdminGroupsTask). Must specify PDC for the -h/-hh switch. -sc runsamupg Start SAM Upgrade tasks (runSamUpgradeTasks). -sc rso:xxx;yyy Replicate single object DN yyy from NTDS Settings DN xxx (replicateSingleObject). -sc rsos:xxx;yyy Replicate secrets to RODC for single object DN yyy from NTDS Settings DN xxx (replicateSingleObject - SECRETS_ONLY). Specify RODC as target host with -h/-hh. -sc rodcpurge:xxx RODC Purge Secrets. xxx is DN of object to purge. (rODCPurgeAccount) (replicateSingleObject). -sc removelo:xxx;yyy Remove lingering object. xxx is GUID of Master DC, yyy is GUID of object. (removeLingeringObject). -sc enablerecyclebin Enable recycle bin in ADLDS or AD Forest. -sc enablefeature:xx;yy Enable arbitrary feature with DN xx and GUID yy. OBJECT CREATION SHORTCUTS ************************* -sc adau:x;y;z Add x users with password y and template z. If y is not specified a random password of 15-20 characters will be generated If - is specified for the password, a password attribute argument will not be specified so you can specify the argument yourself. The template should be the full DN of a user you want to create. AdMod will rename the RDN with _x which is an autogenerated increasing number. This shortcut is for Active Directory. -sc adamau:x;y;z Same as -sc adau but for ADAM. -sc adag:x;y;z Add x groups with type y and template z. Y can be an integer value that specifies the grouptype setting or you can specify a letter for the type of group: u for universal g for global l for domain local s appended to any of the above for a security enabled group The template should be the full DN of a group you want to create. AdMod will rename the RDN with _x which is an autogenerated increasing number. This shortcut is for Active Directory. -sc adamag:x;y;z Same as -sc adag but for ADAM. -sc adac:x;z Add x computer objects with template z. The template should be the full DN of a group you want to create. AdMod will rename the RDN with _x which is an autogenerated increasing number. This shortcut is for Active Directory. -sc adaou:x;z Add x OU objects with template z. The template should be the full DN of an OU you want to create. AdMod will rename the RDN with _x which is an autogenerated increasing number. This shortcut is for Active Directory. -sc adamaou:x;z Same as -sc adaou but for ADAM. -sc adacon:x;z Add x container objects with template z. The template should be the full DN of a container you want to create. AdMod will rename the RDN with _x which is an autogenerated increasing number. This shortcut is for Active Directory. -sc adamacon:x;z Same as -sc adacon but for ADAM. MISC SHORTCUTS ************** -sc uacset:xxx Set UAC value. Must be used in combination with adfind -adcsv with userAccountControl specified in outputted attributes. -sc uacclear:xxx Clear UAC value. Must be used in combination with adfind -adcsv with userAccountControl specified in outputted attributes. xxx Values: ACCOUNTDISABLE - Disable Account (2) PASSWD_NOTREQD - Password not required (32) DONT_EXPIRE_PASSWD - Don't expire password (65536) SMARTCARD_REQUIRED - Smart card required (262144) TRUSTED_FOR_DELEGATION - Trusted for delegation (524288) USE_DES_KEY_ONLY - Use DES key only for Kerberos (2097152) DONT_REQUIRE_PREAUTH - Don't require Preauthentication (4194304) TRUSTED_TO_AUTHENTICATE_FOR_DELEGATION - Trusted to authenticate (16777216) -sc uacsetx:xxx Set UAC integer value specified in xxx. -sc uacclearx:xxx Clear UAC integer value specified in xxx. -sc ad-disable Shorter cut for uacset:accountdisable. -sc ad-enable Shorter cut for uacclear:accountdisable. -sc csh Clear sIDHistory. Must be used in combination with adfind -adcsv with sIDHistory specified in outputted attributes. -sc importschema:xx Imports schema mods from CSV file xx. SECURITY DESCRIPTOR SHORTCUTS ***************************** -sc sdreset[:x] Reset Security Descriptor to Default Security Descriptor for object or alternate object x if specified. -sc sdresetdelprot[:x] Like -sc sdreset but also protects the DACL from inheritance. -sc sddelprot+ Protect object from deletion/tree delete. -sc sddelprot- Remove deletion/tree delete protection from object. -sc sdinherit+ Allow (Add) inheritance from DACL of specified object. -sc sdinherit- Block (Remove) inheritance from DACL of specified object. -sc sdstrip:xxx Remove ACEs that specify Security Principal xxx. -sc sdpiped[:xx] Set SD on object to SD piped in via CSV with optional xx mods. -sc sd:xx Get current SD and apply xx mods. Examples: Ex1: Creating 1000 enabled users w/ random passwords via template. admod -sc adau:1000;;cn=myuser,cn=users,dc=test,dc=loc Ex2: Clear all SidHistories on all objects with SidHistory values in domain (all one line) adfind -default -f sidhistory=* sidhistory -adcsv | admod -sc csh -unsafe Ex3A: Clear PWD_NOTREQD flag on up to 1000 computer accounts. (all one line) adfind -bit -default -f "&(objectcategory=computer)(useraccountcontrol:AND:32)" useraccountcontrol -adcsv | admod -sc uacclearx:32 -upto 1000 Ex3B: Clear PWD_NOTREQD flag on up to 1000 computer accounts. (all one line) adfind -bit -default -f "&(objectcategory=computer)(useraccountcontrol:AND:32)" useraccountcontrol -adcsv | admod -sc uacclear:PASSWD_NOTREQD -upto 1000 Ex4A: Disable user with name joe. (all one line) adfind -default -f "&(samaccounttype=805306368)(name=joe)" useraccountcontrol -adcsv | admod -sc uacsetx:2 Ex4B: Disable user with name joe. (all one line) adfind -default -f "&(samaccounttype=805306368)(name=joe)" useraccountcontrol -adcsv | admod -sc uacset:ACCOUNTDISABLE Ex5: Reload schema admod -sc refreshschema This software is Freeware. Use at your own risk. I do not warrant this software to be fit for any purpose or use and I do not guarantee that it will not damage or destroy your system. Contact via email for licensing information to package this utility in commercial products. See full Warranty documentation or download the latest version on If you have improvement ideas, bugs, or just wish to say Hi, I receive email 24x7 and read it in a semi-regular timeframe. You can usually find me at
AdMod V01.28.00cpp Joe Richards ( October 2023 -help Basic help. -? Basic help. -?? Advanced help. -???? Shortcut help. -sc? Shortcut help. -csv? CSV / ADCSV help. -sd? Security Descriptor help. Usage: AdMod [switches] [attr-action] Switches: (designated by - or /) AdMod CSV Options ================= -csv Enable CSV input from STDIN. Add -csvfile for file. -jtsv Enable joe TSV options for CSV mode. \t, |, and ". -csvfile x Use CSV File x instead of taking info from STDIN. -csvdelim x Delimiter to use for separating attributes in CSV input, default (,). -csvmvdelim x Delimiter to use for separating multiple values in input, default (;). -csvq x Character used for quoting attributes, default ("). -csvmodnull x Specify behavior during CSV modify operations when there is a blank value for the field in the CSV file. If not specified, AdMod will submit the update as it is specified which will generate an attribute conversion / invalid syntax error. Alternate values: IGNORE - Ignores blank fields for object modifications CLEAR - Clear attribute with blank field -counterstart x Integer value to start in counter enumerator. -bmod x Add op only. Base modification expansion string. -autobase x:y Add op only. Autobase generation. x is count of DNs to create and y is base value to expand for DN. -import Import mode, pull all attributes in CSV. This works in ADD and UPDATE mode. In UPDATE mode it will detect if the attribute is single or multivalued and use an ADD (INSERT) or REPLACE as appropriate. There are special cases for SAM Attributes where the schema doesn't align with how AD treats them, like description. Cases like this will require you to handle them via the standard attribute operations. i.e. description::{{.}} As of V01.15.00 AdMod will filter out attributes from being imported that do not exist in the Windows based destination directory. If -csv is specified but no attribute operations are specified -import is automatically enabled. If -import is specified but -csv isn't, -csv is enabled. -import will also automatically enable -stdinsort and -replacedn _all. -importpass1 Special import mode. Used for -add only, filters out the DN based attributes that could cause an import failure because they don't exist yet in the directory. -importpass2 Special import mode. Used for modify only, filters out all non-DN based attributes that can't be added in the initial pass. -importexclattr x Attributes to exclude in import, semicolon delimited. -expand Variable expansion mode. Automatically enabled when ADCSV detected. See below for expansion details. Note that -csv switch will be enabled as well. This switch CAN be used in non-CSV modes however, you can't expand values from the CSV fields because there aren't any. :) -dotcount xx Display a dot (.) for every xx lines read. Default 1000 The CSV option only partially supports deletes and undeletes. Due to the nature of those commands and the inherent danger, they are simply used for supplying the list of DNs and expansion (see below) is NOT enabled. The CSV option fully supports renames, adds, and modifications. Something to keep in mind when pulling in CSV data is that AdMod will not magically handle ordering for you. For instance, if you have group1 that has a member of group2 and you are importing groups, the import will fail unless group2 is created before group1. If you have group1 as a member of group2 and group2 is a member of group1 (i.e. recursive nesting) then you need to create the groups in one pass and then in a second pass populate the membership. CSV will accept CSV input from file via -csvfile, through the PIPE (|) or through redirection (<). If you are unfamiliar with redirection, please Google for 'Using command redirection operators' IMPORT ====== The -import switch will look at the CSV fields and import anything that is listed that you haven't specified directly. If you have a CSV file with a filtered list of attributes, it is likely you can use this directly. If you are working with a complete CSV dump, you will most likely need to filter some attributes out of the stream. This is done with the -importexclattr switch. When in UPDATE mode the imported attributes are processed as value adds. That means they will NOT overwrite existing values. This means single value attributes that are already populated will return 'Attribute Or Value Exists'. To sidestep that, you need to specify an attribute operation such as description::{{.}}. The -importexclattr excludes several attributes by default even if you do not specify any other attributes: createTimeStamp distinguishedName dSCorePropagationData lastLogonTimestamp logonHours modifyTimeStamp msDS-Cached-Membership msDS-Cached-Membership-Time-Stamp objectCategory objectGUID objectSid replUpToDateVector repsFrom repsTo sIDHistory subRefs uSNChanged uSNCreated whenChanged whenCreated As of V01.15.00 if you would like to remove one of those attributes from the filter list, you can specify the switch with the attribute with an appended dash such as -importexcladdr objectsid- CSVDE SUPPORT ============= The CSV functionality in AdMod was not designed to interact with CSVDE. However, it should be able to be used. One thing that can be an immediate problem is due to how CSVDE handles escaped characters. These special characters are commas in DNs and control characters. For some reason, CSVDE escapes these characters with a double backslash instead of a single backslash. This is odd since the LDAP API outputs the escaped characters and accepts the escaped characters with a single backslash. Instead of guessing how that should be handled or writing a whole separate module for parsing CSVDE AdMod ignores it. :). This means that you need to clean them up yourself with some form of search and replace or parsing. Once that is accomplished, you can feed the CSVDE generated file to AdMod with the -CSV switch. AdMod will handle the binary formatting that CSVDE uses which is to enclose the binary value in X' and '. SIZE LIMITS =========== There is no check for the size of update/add request. This means that if you try to import a group with some large number of members it is possible and even likely that it will fail if the update exceeds the LDAP packet size maximum. The number of members will be limited based on the size of the DNs of the members. Correction of this issue will occur in some future version of AdMod. ADCSV ===== There is also a special ADCSV submode which is automatically invoked when AdMod detects the ADCSV header on info piped in from AdFind. You can invoke this mode by specifying -ADCSV in the AdFind command line. The ADCSV mode sends some additional information over from switches from AdFind including: o Value for empty fields o CSV Delimiter o CSV Multivalue Delimiter o CSV Quote Character o Host o Port o User ID (if specified on AdFind command line) o Password (if specified on AdFind command line) o Simple Bind True/False o -hh value if specified o -url value if specified o SSL True/False The obvious benefit here is that if you use something other than the default values you won't have to specify that to AdMod, it can figure it out on its own. Also the Host and Port specified means you hit the same server and port you pulled the information from. However, if for some reason you want to, you can override the values with switches directly applied to the AdMod command line. EXPANSION ========= AdMod supports 'expansion' of strings with 'variables' to generate values on the fly. There is both base DN and attribute level expansion that can occur. The variables available for use are composed both of fields available in the CSV input and some additional special values offered up by AdMod. In non-CSV mode the DN modifier special values are not available. Expansion Strings ----------------- An expansion string is simply a string that has 'operations' embedded in it that require expansion. This is EXTREMELY powerful functionality that can often be used in the place of scripting. These operations are designated by a start/end markers and can be intermixed in the string with other operations or plain text. The start of operation marker is '{{' and the end of operation marker is '}}'. Within the markers you can specify values. These values can be various opcodes or field names from the CSV input. Any CSV fields specified *must* be in the CSV data stream or AdMod will immediately terminate. On top of the values, you have the option to specify modifiers to 'tweak' the values. Modifiers are specified by a colon (:) character or in a couple of special specifically documented cases a double colon (::) following the value. All values can have either the _lc (lowercase)or _uc (uppercase) modifier applied. Some opcode values have additional modifiers that can be specified. So an operation will look something like {{value[:modifier]}} The brackets around the modifier indicate that it is optional. OpCodes are differentiated from CSV fields by having a leading and trailing asterisk in the name. So while you may have an attribute named parent, to use the parent OpCode you would use *parentdn*. That way you could use both the parent CSV field and the parent OpCode in a single Expansion string without confusion. There are two available mechanisms to specify "the CSV field that matches the attribute name". These are '.' and NULL. So if you needed to to do something like: useraccountcontrol::{{useraccountcontrol:SET:32}} you could alternately specify expansion string in these two alternate formats useraccountcontrol::{{.:SET:32}} useraccountcontrol::{{:SET:32}} which obviously reduces the amount of typing and redundancy. Available OpCodes ................. o *cnt* - This is an enumerator. The value is incremented for every DN processed. The counter starts at 0 by default, but this can be modified with the -counterstart switch. Usage: {{*cnt*}} o *rnd* - This is a random character generator. The value is randomly generated individually every time it is encountered. There are three optional modifiers available for this opcode: minimum length, maximum length, and character set specified as :min:max:char_set. The default values for the modifiers are: * min 15 * max 25 * char_set 0123456789abcdefghjkmnpqrtuvwxyzABCDEFGHJKLMNP QRTUVWXYZ#%_-=+:;{}[],.?~ The following pre-constructed character sets can be specified: __lc Lowercase English alphabet __uc Uppercase English alphabet __spec Special characters - !@#$%*_-=+:;{}[],.?|~ __num Numbers 0-9 __hex Hex characters 0-9 a-f Usage: {{*rnd*}} {{*rnd*:5:10}} {{*rnd*:5:10:0123456789ABCDEF}} {{*rnd*:5:10:__hex}} {{*rnd*:5:10:__uc__lc}} o *dn* - DN of current object. Usage: {{*dn*}} o *rdn* - RDN of current object. Usage: {{*rdn*}} o *parentdn* - Parent DN of current object. Usage: {{*parentdn*}} o *domaindn* - Domain DN of current object. Usage: {{*domaindn*}} o *rootnc* - DN of Root Domain. Alias *forestnc* Usage: {{*rootnc*}} or {{*forestnc*}} o *defaultnc* - DN of the Default domain. Usage: {{*defaultnc*}} o *confignc* - DN of the Configuration partition. Usage: {{*confignc*}} o *schemanc* - DN of the Schema partition. Usage: {{*schemanc*}} o *ndc* - Non-Domain portion of DN of current object. Usage: {{*ndc*}} o *name* - Name of current object. Usage: {{*name*}} o *origname* - Original name of current object prior to bmod expansion. Usage: {{*origname*}} o *secprin* - Security Principal from RootDSE msDS-PrincipalName (current security context domain\userid format). Usage: {{*secprin*}} o *sid*:secprin - Convert secprin to SID String. Usage: {{*sid*:domain1\administrators}} o *isid*:secprin - Convert secprin to <SID=SID String>. Useful Group Membership adds. Usage: {{*isid*:domain1\administrators}} o *ldssid*:ldsdn - Convert lds DN to SID String. Usage: {{*ldssid*:cn=someobj,ou=someou,o=someorg}} o *hostfqdn* - FQDN of the host. Usage: {{*hostfqdn*}} o *domaindns* - DNS value for domain name. Alias *domain* Usage: {{*domaindns*}} or {{*domain*}} o *rootdns* - DNS value for rood domain name. Alias *forestdns*. Usage: {{*rootdns*}} or {{*forestdns*}} o *now* - Current local time in format YYYY/MM/DD-HH:MM:SS TZ String Usage: {{*now*}} o *now_utc* - Like *now* but UTC TZ Usage: {{*now_utc*}} o *now_int8* - Like *now* but in int8 integer format. There are three optional modifiers available for this opcode: modify type, delta value integer. The modify types are: * +d Add delta days * -d Subtract delta days * +h Add delta hours * -h Subtract delta hours * +m Add delta minutes * -m Subtract delta minutes Usage: {{*now_int8*}} {{*now_int8*:+h:6}} o *enclocal_int8* - Encode time/date string into int8. There is a mandatory modifier for this opcode which specifies the date/time to encode. The format of the time to encode is YYYY/MM/DD[-HH:MM:SS]. The date aspect of the modifier is required, the time is optional. After the mandatory modifier you can add the same optional modifiers mentioned for *now_int8* above. NOTE: There is a deviation from the standard modifier notation to add this additional modifier. Instead of using a single colon (:), you need to specify a double colon (::) to avoid collision with the colons. Usage: {{*enclocal_int8*:2006/11/07-08:00:00}} {{*enclocal_int8*:2006/11/07-08:00:00::+d:10}} o *encutc_int8* - Like *enclocal_int8* but UTC TZ. Usage: {{*encutc_int8*:2006/11/07-08:00:00}} {{*encutc_int8*:2006/11/07-08:00:00::+d:10}} CSV Field Modifiers ................... o _lc - Change string to all lowercase. Usage: {{somecsvfield:_lc}} o _uc - Change string to all uppercase. Usage: {{somecsvfield:_uc}} o enclocal_int8 - Encode time/date string into int8. This CSV Field modifier does not have the mandatory modifier of the date/time value from the opcode of the same name as it is passed in the CSV Field. It does, however have the same optional modifiers as the opcode with the same modifier specifier deviation. I.E. The double colon (::). Usage: {{somecsvfield:enclocal_int8}} {{somecsvfield:enclocal_int8::+d:10}} o encutc_int8 - Like enclocal_int8 but UTC TZ. Usage: {{somecsvfield:encutc_int8}} {{somecsvfield:encutc_int8::+d:10}} o allvals - Glue the multiple values in a specific attribute into a single string. The default glue character is the semicolon (;). An alternate glue character (or string) can be specified as a modifier. This modifier is specified with the special double colon modifier (::) separator. Usage: {{somecsvfield:allvals}} {{somecsvfield:allvals::|}} o int8+d - Takes int8 CSV field and adds days to it. It has one required modifier, the integer value for number of days. Usage: {{somecsvfield:int8+d:5}} o int8-d - Takes int8 CSV field and subtracts days from it. It has one required modifier, the integer value for number of days. Usage: {{somecsvfield:int8-d:5}} o int8+h - Takes int8 CSV field and adds hours to it. It has one required modifier, the integer value for number of hours. Usage: {{somecsvfield:int8+h:5}} o int8-h - Takes int8 CSV field and subtracts hours from it. It has one required modifier, the integer value for number of hours. Usage: {{somecsvfield:int8-h:5}} o int8+m - Takes int8 CSV field and adds minutes to it. It has one required modifier, the integer value for number of minutes. Usage: {{somecsvfield:int8+m:5}} o int8-m - Takes int8 CSV field and subtracts minutes from it. It has one required modifier, the integer value for number of minutes. Usage: {{somecsvfield:int8-m:5}} o Various logical/mathematical operators - This is a catch-all for several math functions available. They all follow the same format: somecsvfield:operator:intvalue The intvalue field can be specified in three formats * Binary - bnnnn where nnnn is a binary string. * Hex - 0xnnnn where nnnn is a hex string. * Decimal - nnnn where nnnn is a decimal string. The list of logical/mathematical operators * CLR - Clear bits specified by intvalue. * SET - Set bits specified by intvalue. * AND - Logical AND (value&=intvalue) * OR - Logical OR (value|=intvalue) * XOR - Logical XOR (value^=intvalue) * + - Addition (value+=intvalue) * - - Subtraction (value-=intvalue) * * - Multiplication (value*=intvalue) * / - Division (value/=intvalue) Usage: {{somecsvfield:SET:0x02}} {{somecsvfield:CLR:2}} {{somecsvfield:+:500}} o r - This is the replace modifier. It has two values that you need to specify, string to find and the string to replace it with. It will replace the first occurrence of the string found. In cases where either replacement string has embedded colons, you can specify the separate fields with $ (dollar signs) instead of colons by prefixing the modifier with $ Usage: {{somecsvfield:r:somestring1:somestring2}} {{somecsvfield:$r$somestring1$somestring2}} o r_ci - Same as r, but case-insensitive. Usage: {{somecsvfield:r_ci:somestring1:somestring2}} {{somecsvfield:$r_ci$somestring1$somestring2}} o rall - This is the replace all modifier. It has two values that you need to specify, string to find and the string to replace it with. It will replace every instance of the string found. Usage: {{somecsvfield:rall:somestring1:somestring2}} {{somecsvfield:$rall$somestring1$somestring2}} o rall_ci - Same as rall, but case-insensitive. Usage: {{somecsvfield:rall_ci:somestring1:somestring2}} {{somecsvfield:$rall_ci$somestring1$somestring2}} Examples: Ex1: Creating 1000 enabled users w/ random passwords via template. (all one line) admod -add -autobase 1000:cn=myuser,cn=users,dc=test,dc=loc -bmod cn={{*origname*}}_{{*cnt*}},{{*parent*}} objectclass::user -kerbenc unicodepwd::{{*rnd*:6:8}} samaccountname::{{*name*}} useraccountcontrol::512 -exterr Ex2: Copy OU structure from AD to ADAM (all one line) adfind -default -f objectcategory=organizationalunit objectclass description -adcsv | admod -h adamsrv -add -replacedn "dc=test,dc=loc:ou=mytestou" -import -unsafe -exterr Ex3: Copy the first 25 users from AD into ADAM as userProxies (all one line) adfind -default -f samaccounttype=805306368 -maxe 25 objectsid displayname -adcsv | admod -h adamsrv -add -bmod {{*RDN*}},ou=userproxies,ou=import,ou=mytestou objectclass::userproxy displayname::{{.}} objectsid::{{.}} -unsafe -exterr Ex4: Rename user accounts to lastname,firstname (all one line) adfind -default -f samaccounttype=805306368 sn givenname -adcsv | admod -rename {{sn}}\,{{givenname}} -unsafe Ex5: Export group from AD and then reimport group into AD in two passes. Export Group adfind -b CN=g1,OU=tmptestou,DC=test,DC=loc displayname objectclass grouptype member -csv >group.csv Import Group w/o members admod -csv -add -import -importexclattr member -exterr < group.csv Import Group members admod -csv -expand member:++:{{.}} -exterr < group.csv Ex6: Clear all SidHistories on all objects with SidHistory values in domain (all one line) adfind -default -f sidhistory=* sidhistory -adcsv | admod sid##sidhistory:--:{{.}} -unsafe This software is Freeware. Use at your own risk. I do not warrant this software to be fit for any purpose or use and I do not guarantee that it will not damage or destroy your system. Contact via email for licensing information to package this utility in commercial products. See full Warranty documentation or download the latest version on If you have improvement ideas, bugs, or just wish to say Hi, I receive email 24x7 and read it in a semi-regular timeframe. You can usually find me at
AdMod V01.28.00cpp Joe Richards ( October 2023 -help Basic help. -? Basic help. -?? Advanced help. -???? Shortcut help. -sc? Shortcut help. -csv? CSV / ADCSV help. -sd? Security Descriptor help. Usage: AdMod [switches] [attr-action] Switches: (designated by - or /) AdMod Security Descriptor Options ================================= -sdnoowner Do not return owner info in Security Descriptor for {getsd}. -sdnogroup Do not return group info in Security Descriptor for {getsd}. -sdnodacl Do not return DACL info in Security Descriptor for {getsd}. -sdnosacl Do not return SACL info in Security Descriptor for {getsd}. -sdna Get SD No Admin - aka -sdnosacl for {getsd}. -onlydacl Only return DACL info in Security Descriptor for {getsd}. -onlysacl Only return SACL info in Security Descriptor for {getsd}. -sdsimple Turn off some of the automatic SDDL handling when specifying an SDDL -exterr Useful for breaking up SDDL string if seeing "Error in SDDL conversion" -sdwhatif [BETA] Will show you what SD will actually be set. I highly recommend using this when initially using this functionality. -sd xx Grab current security descriptor and modify based on the string in xx. -dsd xx Grab default security descriptor and modify based on the string in xx. -sdkeepgeneric Do not replace the G* rights masks (GA,GW,GR,GX) with expanded values. NOTE: Don't forget to check out the Short Cut Usage for SD related Short Cuts. AdMod allows for a series of advanced security descriptor modifications via the SD## functionality. Primarily the focus here has been on the nTSecurityDescriptor however it should work for any security descriptors stored in Active Directory. If you encounter any specific issues please let me know at The basic SD## functionality takes an SDDL string, please see the Microsoft SDDL documentation for details on what that format looks like or check out the -rawsddl output of security descriptors in AdFind. If you are not familiar with SDDL format security descriptors I **HIGHLY** recommend you not mess with this functionality in AdMod because the Active Directory you could outright break will be your own. The SD## SDDL functionality in V01.21.00 and later versions of AdMod allow for some additional functionality including the ability to have AdMod retrieve the current security descriptor value. This is unusual for AdMod as you normally have to provide all of the information yourself. However to replace functionality in DSACLS.EXE and simply the commands I chose to have AdMod be able to retrieve security descriptors. To retrieve the current security descriptor of an object you simply specify {GETSD} where the SDDL string would normally be placed. So that looks like AD##ntsecuritydescriptor::{GETSD} Of course getting and setting the identical security descriptor really has no value so there are a set of any number of modifier parameters that allow you to modify the value returned before setting. The parameters follow a basic format of: {xy=(Owner|Group|FLAGS(ACE SDDL String))} x: add or remove operation specified with + or - y: Portion of security descriptor to modify O = Owner G = Primary group D = DACL S = SACL Owner: SID or friendly name of security principal to set as Owner x should only be + Group: SID or friendly name of security principal to set as Group x should only be + FLAGS: Optional ACE Flags such as AI (aka Inherit) or PAI (Protected) EX: {+D=AI()} EX: {+S=PAI()} EX: {+D=PAI(DENY;;[DEL CHILD][DEL TREE][DEL];;;Everyone)} DACL: DACL ACE to add or remove. SACL: SACL ACE to add or remove. DACL/SACL ACE FORMATS: type;flags;rights;objectguid;inhobjectguid;secprinsid You can find details on all of these fields at: AdMod will help you a little in that if you use the standard decode format output by AdFind it will convert those to the proper SDDL ACE string formats. Some common decodes include: type: A - ALLOW D - DENY OA - OBJ ALLOW OD - OBJ DENY AU - AUDIT OU - OBJ AUDIT * - For REMOVE operations match on anything. flags: CI - [CONT INHERIT] OI - [OJB INHERIT] NP - [NO PROPAGATE] IO - [INHERIT ONLY] ID - [INHERITED] SA - [SUCCESS] FA - [FAILURE] * - For REMOVE operations match on anything. rights: GA - [FC] GR - [GEN READ] GW - [GEN WRT] GX - [GEN EXE] RC - [READ PERMS] WD - [WRT PERMS] WO - [WRT OWNER] RP - [READ PROP] WP - [WRT PROP] CC - [CR CHILD] DC - [DEL CHILD] LC - [LIST CHILDREN] SD - [DEL] SW - [SELF WRT] LO - [LIST OBJ] DT - [DEL TREE] CR - [CTL] * - For REMOVE operations match on anything. objectguid: inhobjectguid: AdMod will look the GUIDs up in AD for classes, attributes, property sets, etc as needed. * - For REMOVE operations match on anything. secprinsid: AdMod will look the SIDs up in AD for secprins as necessary. * - For REMOVE operations match on anything. {{*domaindns*}} - replaces {{*domaindns*}} with domain DNS value of domain of object. {{*rootdns*}} - replaces {{*rootdns*}} with domain DNS value of root domain of object. You can stack the operations as needed with adds and removes. Some basic examples: SD##ntsecuritydescriptor::"{GETSD}{+O=[ForestDNSName]\Enterprise Admins}{-D=(*;*;*;*;*;AO)}" SD##ntsecuritydescriptor::"{GETSD}{+D=(OA;CIIO;RPWP;member;group;S-1-1-0)}{-D=(*;*;*;*;*;SO)}" SD##ntsecuritydescriptor::"{GETSD}{-D=(*;*;*;member;group;*)}{-D=(*;*;*;*;*;BUILTIN)}" You can shortcut the commands by using -sd xx where -sd will replace SD##ntsecuritydescriptor::{GETSD} and xx is the ACE modifications to apply to the security descriptor. While the default of {GETSD} is to pull the security descriptor of the current object, you can override it and specify the DN of a specific object: {GETSD}=DN EX: SD##ntsecuritydescriptor::{GETSD}=CN=SomeObject,OU=SomeOU,DC=Dom,DC=com There are also special aliases that can be used as part of the DN parameter: {{*DN*}} - Current DN, this is default and not required. {{*CONFIGNC*}} - Configuration NC DN. {{*DEFAULTNC*}} - Default NC DN. {{*ROOTNC*}} - Root NC DN. Alias {{*FORESTNC*}} {{*SYSTEM*}} - CN=System,{{*DEFAULTNC*}}. {{*ADMINSDHOLDER*}} - CN=AdminSDHolder,{{*SYSTEM*}}. EX: SD##ntsecuritydescriptor::{GETSD}={{*ADMINSDHOLDER*}} There are a few other {GETSD} related options that work the same way but gives you a different starting base SD to work from: {GETPSD} - like {GETSD} but the DACL is Protected from inheritance. {GETISD} - like {GETSD} but the DACL allows inheritance. If you need to reset an object back to the objectClass default there is an option to dynamically pull the defaultSecurityDescriptor for an objectclass and use that as the base SD to work with: {GETDSD} - retrieve defaultSecurityDescriptor for class of object to be updated. {GETPDSD} - like {GETDSD} but sets DACL to be Protected from inheritance. {GETDSD}=X - retrieve defaultSecurityDescriptor for class with ldapDisplayName X. If you would like to set up some template objects and want some shortcuts for using them there is an option for pulling a template object's nTSecurityDescriptor similar to the adminSDHolder mode. Of course this can also be done with {GETSD}=DN but this gives a nice little shortcut model as well as opportunity for some default template objects: {GETTSD}=X - retrieve SD from template object named X in default NC. {GETTSD} - retrieve SD from joeware-default-<objectclass> object from default NC and if that object doesn't exist retrieve the SD from joeware-default object. Ex1: Remove Account Operators ACEs from object. admod -b cn=someuser,ou=someou,dc=domain,dc=com SD##ntsecuritydescriptor::{GETSD}{-D=(*;*;*;*;*;AO)} Ex2: Reset object to default Security Descriptor admod -b cn=someuser,ou=someou,dc=domain,dc=com SD##ntsecuritydescriptor::{GETDSD} Ex3: Apply AdminSDHolder Security Descriptor to object admod -b cn=someuser,ou=someou,dc=domain,dc=com SD##ntsecuritydescriptor::{GETTSD}=ADMINSDHOLDER Ex4: Set owner of object to Enterprise Admins (Need to specify actual ForestDomainName) admod -b cn=someuser,ou=someou,dc=domain,dc=com "SD##ntsecuritydescriptor::{GETSD}{+O=ForestDomainName\Enterprise Admins}" Ex5: Set owner of object to Enterprise Admins (auto determine forest domain name) admod -b cn=someuser,ou=someou,dc=domain,dc=com "SD##ntsecuritydescriptor::{GETSD}{+O={{*rootdns*}}\Enterprise Admins}" Ex6: Protect object from deletion. admod -b cn=someuser,ou=someou,dc=domain,dc=com SD##ntsecuritydescriptor::{GETSD}{+D=(D;;SDDCDT;;;WD)} Ex7: Delegate modify member on group. admod -b cn=somegroup,ou=someou,dc=domain,dc=com SD##ntsecuritydescriptor::{GETSD}{+D=(A;;WP;member;;domain\secprin)} Ex8: Delegate modify member for all groups under an OU. admod -b ou=someou,dc=domain,dc=com SD##ntsecuritydescriptor::{GETSD}{+D=(OA;CIIO;WP;member;group;domain\secprin)} Ex9: Clear account operators access on all objects from a specific OU down. adfind -b ou=someou,dc=domain,dc=com -dsq | admod SD##ntsecuritydescriptor::{GETSD}{-D=(*;*;*;*;*;AO)} This software is Freeware. Use at your own risk. I do not warrant this software to be fit for any purpose or use and I do not guarantee that it will not damage or destroy your system. Contact via email for licensing information to package this utility in commercial products. See full Warranty documentation or download the latest version on If you have improvement ideas, bugs, or just wish to say Hi, I receive email 24x7 and read it in a semi-regular timeframe. You can usually find me at